Sunday, February 27, 2011


Desi got us free tickets to The Harlem Globetrotters. Not only were they free, but they were awesome seats! We were only 12 rows up from the floor. I have never seen my kids laugh so hard! These guys are really hilarious! Thank You Aunt Desi!
Ava continually amazes us with her femininity. She insisted on bringing a purse with a lip gloss and "camera" ( a toy that looks like a camera) She would take her camera out, take a picture, look at the picture and then put it back in her purse. The take out her lip gloss and apply and then put it back, she clapped and cheered and booed. It was like hanging out with a 30 year old. The boys loved being there and although Ethan tried to keep a cool, straight face he ended up cracking up the whole time. It was a great night.

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