Ava is so brave. She loves to jump in and swim, "All by self!" Jack finally learned to swim. Thank you NeeNee. And now he has an ear infection:( But he can't wait to jump back in. Owen and Devin
We all know how much I love butterflies, they always remind me of Bailey. Nana gave us caterpillars that turned into cacoons that turned into beautiful butterflies. It was truly amazing to watch and it was very quick. It took less than 2 weeks. So today I decided to let them go. While I was admiring their beauty as they flew away the boys were shooting bb guns into the pool. They are now in their room grounded from their guns.
I was walking by Sassy's room the other day and saw a flash. I looked in and Jack was taking pictures of her. I thought they were sooo cute! Her hair is a mess and that makes me happy because it means she has enough hair to be messy. YAY! Oh and she does have a dress on, it's just strapless. Don't judge it was cute :)